Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Delivery

The contractions started early Sunday morning. I knew it wasn't time to go in, but just in case I took the kids to my mom's. When I got home, Brian and I went for a walk to see if we could get things moving and they jumped to 6 min apart and pretty strong. I was worried about my water breaking at home again, so I decided it was time to head to the hospital around noon. We were checked in and examined around 12:30. I was 7cm dialated, fully effaced, with the water ready to break at any second. By this time I had decided I wanted it to be a peaceful experience, so I decided to get an epidural. The nurses went into a flurry to get me all set up and by 2pm I was all set and comfortable.

The kids, my mom, and Brian's parents showed up about this time and Benjamin's first question was "where's the baby?" The nurse came in a bit later to check on me and found that the baby was already on her way down. With everyone out, we got set up to deliver. I started pushing at 3, and Heidi was born at 3:26. I had just the right amount of medicine where I could still feel all my contractions, but I wasn't in desperation mode so I was able to be a much better pusher than I had been in the past. Brian and I were able to chat and joke around with the doctor and nurse throughout the whole process. It was an awesome, joyous, and overall pleasant experience.


  1. Hooray for you! I'm happy Sunday was your day. I wasn't thrilled about the possible induction...that's never a fun way to go. The lord does work in mysterious ways. Congrats to you Jessie!

  2. Another blessing for the family! Heidi is beautiful!! Love to all of you! You and Brian are amazing parents & we are very proud of you both.
