Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Meeting the new addition

We couldn't tell who she looked like at first. She definitely has Brian's mouth and my furrowed brow, but it's still hard to tell. After looking at baby pictures of Benjamin and Lacey, she looks much more like her big brother. So for now we're thinking she might look more like Daddy.

The kids were a little crazy but very excited about the baby. Both of them wanted to hold her right away and Lacey even cried when Heidi was taken away. They did a good job sitting through lots of picture taking and Heidi was alert and calm during the whole frenzy.

Brian and his girls

Lacey displayed her first bout of jealousy when Daddy was holding Heidi. She insisted on being held too, so Brian had to do some juggling.

Jessica and the 3 crazy kids

I had thought about how crazy it was going to be when Heidi arrived, but it really started to become apparent as I was trying to gently hold Heidi while Benjamin and Lacey climbed all over me. With two highly active kids and a newborn, life is definitely going to be interesting.


  1. Congratulations! Crazy will become your new normal in no time! Sweet family!

  2. I have been comparing baby pics w/ all three & it seems Heidi has a bit of her brother & sister but I agree with you....very close to Benjamin.
    Hope you are all settled at home now. See you soon.
