Tuesday, June 29, 2010

6th Anniversary

Saturday was Brian and my 6th anniversary.  Brian's parents came up to watch the kids.  We had plans to go to Benjamin's T Ball game, head out to lunch, hang out with the fam for a bit, go to the Melting Pot for dinner, and top the night off with a play.  It didn't quite work out that way though.  Brian came down with what we think was food poisoning and spent all day Saturday in bed.  He tried at one point to tough it out and go out with me in the evening, but we came back after 5 minutes on the road when he started looking for something to throw up in. 

He felt better on Sunday so we were still able to do our Melting Pot dinner.  We've tried to make eating there on our anniversary a tradition since that's where he proposed.  It was a nice time, but skipping a feeding for our night out ended up with me getting mastitis.  It was an anniversary filled with sickness, but I am nonetheless thankful these 6 years with my awesome husband.

I always try to include some pictures, so here are a few of the girls I took while we were playing outside on Saturday.

It looks like Heidi is being smushed, but Lacey is up on the pillow.  She does have a bit of a triumphant smile though.


  1. sad times! I had mastitis with Tate....AWFUL!!! But congratulations on 6 years!

  2. Ugh, sorry Jess! Definitely not a great anniversary...and hard to continue p90x! Hope you are all on the mend now. Let's hang out soon!
