Sunday, August 22, 2010


90 days ago we embarked on an exercise journey called P90X.  Essentially, the program is an hour a day of intense working out, rotating between weight lifting and cardio. We stuck with it for the most part, but life got in the way every now and then, especially with three children and a busy summer! We exercised at night after putting the kids to bed. Even though the workouts were grueling at times, we both enjoyed pushing ourselves and spending the quality time together. We took some Day 1 and Day 90 photos (posted boldly below for the world to see). We're both happy with our results but plan on starting a second round soon to try to get in even better shape.

Our Personal Testimonials
Jessica - I started P90X 4 weeks after Heidi was born.  Initially I was only going along with it to try to motivate Brian and had no intention of doing the full program.  After the first week, however, I found it wasn't as hard to motivate myself as I had thought it would be and became excited with the prospect of getting back in shape or possibly better shape than I was pre-pregnancy.

I had some challenges for at least the first 4 to 6 weeks as my body was still healing from Heidi's delivery.  I had to modify or stop short in order to not do damage and wasn't even able to attempt the ab workout until the second phase.  I also didn't diet in any way because I didn't want to affect my milk supply.  I think I would have had better results if I would have allowed more healing time, but I'm still happy with the outcome.

I wish I would have taken measurements and done the pre-test, but I figured since I was in post pregnancy shape they wouldn't really be true results anyway.  Sadly, I don't have any before and after stats to compare other than weight.  I started at 134 and am now 122, but I was always more focused on my shape rather than weight.  I'm the size I want to be and look forward to toning up even more.

Brian - I was motivated to get back in shape shortly after Heidi was born. Pregnant Jessica = more take out meals and more home-baked goodies around the house, so it's easy for me to pack on extra pounds during those 9 months. I didn't go "hard core" and restrict my diet or load up on supplements, but I still got halfway decent results:
  • Total weight loss of 12 lbs which puts me down to 170 (I had to buy a new belt I lost so many inches on my waist!) - as we start the next round, I'll be focusing more on bulking up so I'm not that concerned with my actual weight number.
  • Obviously, you get stronger over the course of the 90 days. I started the program barely able to do an unassisted pull-up, but now I can knock out double digit reps on the spot.
  • I'm not very flexible but I noticed large improvements in my flexibility, probably due to all those downward dogs in yoga. 
  • We didn't take any pictures of my legs, but I gained a significant amount of muscle in my quads.
  • Getting a 6-pack is my main goal for our next round!!


  1. Wow!!! I can really see a difference. Jessica--your little pooch is totally gone from your tummy and the back view....well, there is some nice definition in your waist & hips. Brian---those love handles have disappeared & your stomach now appears to be muscular not flabby. Way to go!!
    You both worked hard at it (as I saw when we were at Lake Chelan) Your dedication paid off!!

  2. We have P90x! I bought it after Wyatt was born, but couldn't really handle it all when Kelly had his accident. Then I tried again in Jan, but with the erratic schedule of a baby & Kelly's trips. It's now on hold. But in the meantime, I found running! It's awesome to get out of the house and I found that the faster you run, the quicker you get home :) I'll do P90x when baby Thorne comes in April.

  3. You guys rock! Awesome! I'm not even sure that I have muscles anymore (haha). Good for you guys for setting a goal, sticking with it and looking fabulous! WooHoo
