Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mommy Walk

Last week (I am really slow to blog these days) two of my college roommates,Theresa and Kelli, came over for a walk.  It just so happened that all of us ended up pregnant at the same time, each a month apart.  Kelli had Jackson in March, I had Heidi in April, and Theresa is currently in labor as I am making this post (go Theresa!). 

Everyone had to wait a little for me to get myself and the kids ready, but we were able to enjoy a walk together with our kids.  The weather was partly cloudy, which was perfect for having a baby strapped to you.  Not too hot or cold.  We ended up at Safeway, where we enjoyed Subway sandwiches for lunch and Sbux for the walk back.  Lacey is in the habit of taking her sandwiches apart, so I had to do a bit of juggling with our two sandwiches and Heidi in the carrier.  I ended making a huge mess, even dropping some veggies on Heidi, but Lacey and I ended up fed so that's all that matters. 

Even though we only spent a few hours together and didn't do anything fancy, it was such a blessing for me to spend some time with friends.  The kids do so much better when they have something to do, and I do so much better when I can hang out with someone other than the kids.  I feel very lucky that we all had babies so close to each other so we will be able to spend some time together while they are on maternity leave. 

1 comment:

  1. So fun!! Anytime you want to do a Mama/Kiddo thing...I'm game. After June 30 this Mama is home full time and will need play dates. Glad you got some Mama/Friend time! :-) Go T!
